Week 49: Spanish Tapas – Boquerones Pizza

Anchovies were once so repellant to my sensibilities that I ate caesar salads sans dressing for many dumb years. Servers would repeat my order back to me in disbelief and only now do I understand why: caesar dressing is fucking delicious.

Shockingly, I came around to anchovies some time in my adulthood for seemingly no reason at all, and not just in their invisible form as salad seasoning. Like soon turned into love and I found myself slamming strips of anchovies with an accompaniment crispy sage or parmesan.

Staring down this week’s tapas challenge, I couldn’t resist but to do as ninja turtles do and put some damn anchovies on some damn pizza. And it began with some flash marinating.


Parsley and garlic were chopped up for some classic accompaniment.


White anchovies were marinated in champagne vinegar and olive oil for an hour.


The marinade was sufficient enough to provide a base for the pizza. Parmesan finished the pizza before the super hot oven hugs ensued.


The oblong shape was designed to provide tapas-sized pizza bites in the final presentation.


More parmesan and parsley helped spruce up the pizza tapas before they met with their hot sherry date for the evening.


Lustau’s “Papirusa” Manzanilla was a dry and saline style of sherry that tamed the inherent saltiness of this pizza. Even with its presence, it was hard to ignore what a nightmare this pizza was to eat despite no additional salt. Please think twice before trying this style at home because I’m certainly never making this again.


Week 43: French – Escargot à la Bourguignonne Pizza

As a Francophile, I too this week’s challenge was a chance to explore dishes I hadn’t yet had the courage to tackle on my own. Escargot is such a treat to find on a menu because I don’t have the means at home so I took the time to figure out just where the hell to source snails from. The answer was, as at almost always is, the internet.


The preparation I most enjoy is a classic Burgundian style featuring parsley, garlic, shallots and a ton of butter. Pernod and vermouth added extra aromatics.


The preparation is pretty simple. Lots of chopping and dicing.


A butter sauce was mixed together with plenty of parsley and salt.


The snails were so petite but there were many in one small can. I decided to load them up.


A parmesan and olive oil base was set before the traditional escargot preparation was spread over.




Another hit of parmesan to finish off the pizza and slices were ready to facilitate one of my favorite classic pairings.


Red burgundy and escargot is a top-tier pairing in my book. And it certainly didn’t fail now.


C’est bon!